Heritage Conservation Society

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Punta Santiago Lighthouse (Calatagan)

Posted by admin on January 2, 2007

Cape Santiago Lighthouse of the Philippines, also known as Punta de Santiago, is located on the western head of Balayan Bay, southern shore of the province of Batangas. It lights the Verde Passage between the island of Luzon and Mindoro’s western entrance. At first, nothing seems to be of special admiration in this tower but rather an eerie nostalgic feeling of a bygone era. As we walked the hallway leading to the entrance of the tower, a sudden flashback of Spanish galleons mightily riding the peaceful Balayan Bay struck my mind.

A brick tower with lantern and gallery, the lighthouse is unique among other lighthouses in the Philippines because of its continuing circular shaft. Its focal plane is 27 meters (89 feet) and 10 meters

high. Built in December 15, 1890 by Magin Pers y Pers and later continued by Guillermo Brockman, it is one of the principal lights of approach to Manila Bay, the center of maritime industry, from San Bernardino or the southern route across the islands. The lighthouse is painted in white while the modern Japanese aluminum lantern is silver in color. We noticed the decorative metal grills, a classic example of rich Spanish architecture, that support the overhanging balcony used as a lookout.

4 Responses to “Punta Santiago Lighthouse (Calatagan)”

  1. gary the great said

    Sad to say, the area in the vicinity of the cape santiago light house have been devastated by growing numbers of developers and gold hunters. we should have to stop this!

  2. checkerz said

    check out “Faro de Punta Malabrigo” in Lobo, Batangas. a year younger than and looks like the Punta Santiago.

  3. checkerz said

    my fault…! 1896 pala.. its really nice there…

  4. wencel said

    can someone tell how to get to cape santiago? i would like to know how to get there. im planning to visit this place 2 weeks from now. please email me at ask.wencelangeles@gmail.com thank you so much to those who will help me.

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